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Office of Employee Appeals

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Effective Oct 1, 2023, OEA has introduced another option for filing Petitions for Appeal, Petitions for Review, and Answers to the Petition for Review.
In addition to filing these documents by mail or in person, they may now be filed by email at [email protected].

View New Rules for the Office of Employee Appeals.

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Board Members, Judges and Staff

OEA is governed by a five-member board and has a full staff to process appeals filed by the District government’s 40,000-member workforce. The hearing unit consists of full-time and part-time Administrative Judges.

The contact information for all board members, judges, and staff is through the front office at:

Office of Employee Appeals
955 L'Enfant Plaza, SW 
Suite 2500
Washington, DC 20004
Phone: (202) 727-0004
Fax: (202) 727-5631

To learn more about our judges and staff, select from the following: